Rosie tucker gay bar lyrics

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These layers seem to mimic Tucker‘s journey of thoughts, feelings and emotions as they pour their soul into our ears. The diversity in song lengths, vocabulary and tempo, creates more textual layers. Through this, Tucker creates an immense texture that kept me guessing as each song unravelled. Tucker shows great care with their artistry, weaving their lyrics flawlessly through each brawny guitar driven song, combining spoken word with a strong vocal range. Through this, Rosie Tucker challenges the listener’s perception of mental illness, the queer community and relationships. But as each song progresses, Tucker reveals far deeper and richer themes. Each melodic indie gem is like a journal entry: detailed, characters, landscapes and confessions painted vibrantly, with dry humour, and wit.

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This album is deeply personal and political, exploring the depths of Tucker‘s mind which boasts every colour, tone and hue. Listening to Never Not Never Not Never Not by Rosie Tucker is like opening up someone’s diary and having it sing itself to you. This album left me charged with emotion and totally enthralled by Tucker’s melodic charm.

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LA-based songwriter Rosie Tucker will release their forthcoming album, Never Not Never Not Never Not on March 8 via Dew Process. Project Description ROSIE TUCKER ‘Never Not Never Not Never Not’ (Album Review) Reviewer: Kayla McNicoll

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